Culture Clash
Today's post will have no pictures.
No video. No graphic description.
It's just too sad.
One of my neighbors, a family around the corner from me,
has a small rag-tag band of horses.
Every morning the chico (young man) rides one and leads the others
the 3 short blocks to their milpa (corn field)
where the horses can munch the dry grasses and corn husks.
And every evening he does the same in reverse to secure
them overnight close to the house.
Bringing up the rear, and a block or 2 behind,
is a young colt of about 6 months.
He cannot keep up. He hobbles on 3 legs.
His right front leg is broken.
He shrieks for his mother who is a member of the band
the young man is trotting off with and she shrieks back.
I cannot stand to watch it and flee behind my walls,
plugging my ears, when I hear them approach.
Once, I shouted to the chico as they passed. . .
¡Oye, joven, que necesita veterinario!
(Hey, young man, you need the vet!)
He said. . .Ehhhhhhhh. . .without pausing.
(Colloquial affirmative response.)
I said. . .¡Está sufriendo!
(It's suffering!)
Ok, what can be the problem, I thought.
Must be the family doesn't have enough money
to pay the vet to put the colt down.
No problem! I'll offer to pay. How much could it cost?
I would then be the 'go to' gringa for everyone's
pathetic dying pet or livestock.
Bad idea.
So, I asked around the neighborhood for a solution.
Pobrecito (poor thing), my neighbors all cried.
Maybe I'll take up a collection and hire the vet anonymously.
That might work.
While chewing on that idea,
and not wanting to waste time,
I asked around a little more for the right way to handle this.
I stopped at Guillermo's carneceria in the mercado,
and told him the sad story.
Guillermo said he knew the family and would stop
and have a chat with them asap.
Don't worry, Guillermo said, I'm an animal lover too,
I'll take care of it!
I returned to Guillermo's carneceria and asked
what he found out.
Did you have a chat with the family with the little colt?
Si. I told them they needed to put the horse down.
What did they say?
They said it's not big enough yet.