Saturday, October 23, 2010

Searching For Cancer Oct 2010

A Mexican Medical Experience

It's been a month since my Celiac Disease diagnosis
and the only thing left to do now
is to stick to a gluten-free diet
and search for cancer from Celiac damage.

The morning of the dreaded colonoscopy
we met my doctor, Juan Pablo Loza Méndez,
at his office in Chapala at 7:30AM.

 Dr. Juan Pablo Loza Méndez
Calle Guerrero #141
Cel  333 141 3364

He drove us to the hospital in Guadalajara
for the procedure, where he would also assist.

Hospital Dr. Ángel Leaño is the teaching hospital
for the Universidad Autónoma de Guadalajara A.C. (UAG),
the premier medical school in Guadalajara.
 It was impressive.

I was taken into the procedure room
and the first thing I saw when I walked in was this painting.

Although I am a spiritual person,
and not particularly a religious person,
I have to say I found this painting
very moving.

Maybe the fact that they were going to stick
instruments a loooong way up into my body
had something to do with it.

They prepared to sedate me and the
Chief of Staff of Gastroenterology came in and introduced himself.
He was a kind, confident, warm, and intelligent looking
man and I liked him instantly.
His name is Dr. J Martín García González

He explained everything he was going to do
and asked a lot of appropriate questions.
The nurse started the IV, put on a relaxing DVD of waves and beaches,
loaded a blank DVD into their recorder,
and pushed the sedation.

I awoke to Dr. Juan Pablo and the nurse saying
"No cancer!!!"  "No cancer!!!"  "No cancer!!!"

After that we went to Dr. García's handsome office
for the results and a consultation.

 He gave me a bound booklet of the results with photos
and a DVD of the procedure.

The rest of the story is:
Procedure/Dr./Hospital - $5000 pesos (about $400US)
Dr. Juan Pablo's services - $1000 pesos (about $80US) 




  1. I had one up in the states awhile ago......somewhere about 4 to 5 K at least.
    Glad to know you are A-OK!

  2. Yay! That is WONDERFUL news! Hugs to you, my dear friend! :)

  3. Great news! I have a relative who was recently diagnosed and went through the same process here in Alabama. I can assure you the bill was considerably more than $480.

    Good luck on the diet. I am told it makes a world of difference in how you feel.

  4. SO glad to hear this! Gracias a dios for the great news!

  5. Thanks SO much, guys! Now, to get on with LIFE!
    Love you guys.

  6. Sooo happy to hear your results were good! Such a relief. Wonderful doctors you have!

  7. Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Great news, girl.

  8. so glad to hear of your clear tests and excellent health care in Mexico.
    that is a good diet, no gluten and i do like that Quinoa that i use instead of rice often. can that be made into flour? think torillas and such, you are a foodie. congrats !

  9. Thanks, Sheila, Ember, and Sonja, for your good wishes and cheerful comments. It's IS good news and I was worried.
    YAY! Good to hear form you ladies.
