Friday, September 3, 2010

Los Angeles Verdes - The Green Angeles Sept 3

Photo courtesy Señor Google

More years ago than I want to divulge,
while hitching a ride from one Mexican Pacific
beach town to another,
we came upon a wreck on the highway.

A VW bus with a middle aged American couple
had rear-ended a pipa (peé pa) that was stopped on the roadway
without warning.
Hardly anything unusual about that.

A pipa is a Mexican water tank truck.
The water is not potable but the truck delivers
it for folks to store at their homes.

This particular one had about 3 feet of pipe and spigot
protruding from the back of it.
That spigot and pipe end was now firmly embedded
in the front seat of the VW bus.
Exactly between the knees of the woman sitting there.
This was the luckiest day of her life.
We stopped to see if we could help.

About 10 minutes later a dark green utility truck
pulled up with 2 very professional and friendly guys,
who turned out to be Los Angeles Verdes.

Photo courtesy Señor Google
First, they stopped a small bleed for
the woman then called Cruz Roja to come and check
them out.

Then they told them where to go in the next town
to get the car fixed and find a place to stay.

I was pretty impressed.

Today, they  continue to roam the highways and toll roads
of Mexico on the lookout for stranded travelers.

If you are in need of the Green Angeles,
pull over and lift your hood.
Then find a seat in the shade
and wait for one to come by.
Or you can call their national 3 digit number

 Each unit is assigned a length of highway or road
to patrol per shift.
The lengths are long and the units have to complete
each direction in a 12 hour period.
They are crack mechanics and can get you back on the road
with a bobby pin.
Of course, they carry gasoline, motor oil, coolant, hoses,
belts, and other essentials to get you mobile.
They're REALLY cool.

Today, as back then, they are funded and operated
by Mexico's Department of Tourism.
Their service is free but tips are
graciously accepted and appreciated.

Some speak English and they are
quick to say they are not medical —
but no doubt they have saved many lives in the course
of their existence.

This is their spiffy new look:

Photo courtesy Señor Google


  1. They have been there for as long as we have been on the roads in Mexico, a great service. Can't imagine that NOB, there would be an instant lawsuit, filed by the independent association of tow truck operators lobby.....

  2. A couple of years ago south of Tampico we had a trailer hitch receiver break at the weld It was about 11 at night. We thought we were sunk - in a manner of minutes the green crew showed and helped up limp into Tampico some 30 miles ahead. INCREDIBLE. What great people - Viva Mexico indeed!

  3. We love knowing The Green Angels are there, and see them often as we drive. Not far north of Cuitzeo, heading to San Miguel Allende, we had a flat. Chuck changed it as I waved oncoming cars into the other lane. When he was nearly done, along came a Green Angel. He offered help, C declined, but he stood by to be sure all went well. It's good knowing they're on the road!

  4. I haven't had the opportunity to use their services. But I suspect I may -- considering the shape of my transmission.
