Thursday, November 12, 2009

Things That Make You Go Hmmmmm. . . Nov 2009

Dude!  How'd You Get There?


  1. I saw him there the other day and wondered for a few seconds. Didn't look to see if he could get up on the street. Figured someone was just parking their horse

  2. Oh wow! Atleast they left him in the shade! :D

  3. I often wondered about the local muchachos exploring this culvert. Just that "papa" thing in me that worries about his boys and the 3 brain cells they share between them. SO! Did you ever figure out how they got a good sized horse in and out of there?

  4. No.
    But, I did see the horse and it's muchacho cantering past my house about an hour later, waving and yeehawing. The kid cracks me up, he is a really good rider and he and his horse are compañeros for sure.
