Thursday, July 16, 2009

Rescue Me - June 9, 2008

So, I'm kicked back on the couch reading the Guad Reporter and run across a little blurb about a dog and a cute picture. Hmmm. Interesting.

Apparently this little dog had been a street dog in Chapala and was adopted by an older American or Canadian man - who then died. Ten days went by before anyone discovered the body, and when they did, faithfully standing guard beside the body was this little dog. No food, no water, and with a massive skin infection, the dog was taken by police to a Chapala vet. He tried for a month to find a home for her, without success. This small article was the last resort.

I read the article twice and put the paper on the coffee table and went to do something else. Later, I came back and reread the article and looked at her picture. Old Rosie could use some company, I thought. Nah, twice the vet bills, twice the dog food, twice the poop, nah.

An hour later I called the vet and 2 hours later she was riding back with me to her new home. She was, and is, a great dog!

Maggie surveying her new digs for the first time after jumping out of the car.

Rosie, less than thrilled.


  1. Rosie # ?...
    my mom, Dora,always named all her cats "Susie".
    keep it simple!
    great mind do think alike!

  2. That's funny, Sonja. Dora was a very practical woman.
    That was old Rosie, the one and only. She lies in state under the guava tree. She'll probably cause the guava tree to produce twice the harvest next year - I hate guavas.
